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Need a license?(888) 488-0747 State Mortgage Licensing Experts Lender License (Company)- NMLS Cost: $2,100 (plus $1,100 per other trade name)
- Additional Costs: $15 per credit report, $36.25 per criminal background check
- Qualifying Individual: required
- Surety Bond Requirement: $50,000 (electronic)
Loan Servicer License (Company)- NMLS Cost: $2,100
- Additional Costs: $15 per credit report, $36.25 per criminal background check
- Qualifying Individual: required
- Surety Bond Requirement: $100,000 (electronic)
Mortgage Broker Sole Proprietor License (Company)- NMLS Cost: $600
- Additional Costs: $15 per credit report, $36.25 per criminal background check
- Qualifying Individual: required
- Surety Bond Requirement: $25,000 (electronic)
Mortgage License (Company)- NMLS Cost: $1,100
- Additional Costs: $15 per credit report, $36.25 per criminal background check
- Qualifying Individual: required
- Surety Bond Requirement: $25,000 (electronic)
Lender License (Branch)- NMLS Cost: $1,020
- Additional Costs: $15.00 per credit report, $36.25 per criminal background check
- Branch Manager: must live within fifty (50) miles of branch location
- Surety Bond: company must obtain $50,000 bond rider to add branch location
Loan Servicer License (Branch)- NMLS Cost: $1,020
- Additional Costs: $15.00 per credit report, $36.25 per criminal background check
- Branch Manager: must live within fifty (50) miles of branch location
- Surety Bond: company must obtain $100,000 bond rider to add branch location
Mortgage Broker License (Branch)- NMLS Cost: $1,020
- Additional Costs: $15.00 per credit report, $36.25 per criminal background check
- Branch Manager: must live within fifty (50) miles of branch location
- Surety Bond: company must obtain $25,000 bond rider to add branch location
Mortgage Loan Originator (Individual)- NMLS Cost: $130
- Additional Costs: $15.00 per credit report, $36.25 per criminal background check
- Education: Vermont requires two (2) hours of VT-approved pre-licensure education as part of your national education requirement
- Home state license requirement: you must be licensed as a mortgage loan originator in your state of residence